Monday, July 26, 2010

High Heel Theory

My intention this morning was to start out running with shoes and then ditch them along the way. My legs would not have it. After about 3 steps I could tell it would not be a good day if I continued. I thought I would try a couple miles barefooted. After a mile I felt pretty good and ended up 5.25 miles.

I had been reading about other people's experiences in the early stages of running without shoes and the stories talked about blisters, plantar fascitis, and calf strain. I am starting to develop a theory which is wholly my own opinion. I thought about the many years of squeezing into and strutting around high heel shoes in the name of fashion. How many miles have I walked around city streets and conferences in agony suffering from blisters, leg pain and squished up feet. I am pretty sure that this has toughend up my feet pretty good and why I am experiencing less issues than my fellow male barefoot runners.

Suffice it to say I feel I am at an advantage which is why the longer run did not seem to impact me negatively. No blisters, cuts or foot pain. I spent my weekend researching shoes that similate barefoot running and I am at a loss to figure out if I should really try that route or continue on with the natural approach. I guess the lack of light in the morning and future weather conditions will help me make that determination. For now, I am pleased with how things are going.

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